About Reinvest24
Reinvest24 team is working with the real-estate market since 2005 and during this time we were involved with project development, investments in real-estate, property sales and maintenance. Together we make up decades of professional experience in finance, real estate and technology. Despite being founded in 2017 and launching our Reinvest24 platform in 2018, our team has been working on high profile investments for many years.
When it comes to real-estate, we have seasoned professionals fromTina Kinnisvarabüroo guiding us in all our property development projects and everyday property management. Our trusted team members have successfully completed various projects, including commercial and residential developments in Tallinn and Riga. They know exactly how to reduce risks and costs in order to receive the best returns. All our properties are managed with the utmost care, whilst finding new, competitive projects with great potential… Continue reading about Reinvest24 here
Website: www.reinvest24.com