About Meredith Village Savings Bank
Since our inception in 1869, Meredith Village Savings Bank has provided a safe, convenient place to save money and help people achieve their financial and personal goals.
Over the past 150 years, during periods of economic prosperity as well as through turbulent times in United States history, the bank has remained resilient and steadfast when it comes serving our customers and the community.
We have grown in size and expanded our range of financial products and services to meet the changing needs of customers and the communities we serve. What began as a one-room operation in downtown Meredith, NH has become a successful mutual savings bank with 13 offices in 10 New Hampshire communities throughout the Lakes Region, Plymouth and Seacoast areas. What’s our secret to success? The answer to this question lies in our history… Continue reading about Meredith Village Savings Bank here
Website: www.mvsb.com
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