Concentra Bank


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About Concentra Bank

Wyth Financial is the new trade name of Concentra Bank. Our roots go back to the 1950s but our strategy and attitude are focused on the future. We aspire to become Canada’s leading mid-market digital bank and our new trade name represents this evolution.

Wyth started as Co-operative Trust Company of Canada (Co-operative Trust), which had national powers through the federal Trust and Loan Companies Act.

In 2005, SaskCentral and Co-operative Trust teamed up to incorporate Concentra Trust and to create Concentra Financial Services Association, Canada’s only federally regulated financial co-operative retail association. Concentra served more than 90% of Canadian credit unions (outside of Québec). SaskCentral was the largest shareholder. Concentra had the powers of a bank but with some distinct limitations, such as its capital structure… Continue reading about Concentra Bank here.


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