Banca del Piemonte S.p.a.


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About Banca del Piemonte S.p.a.

It was April 26, 1912 when a group of friends, belonging to some ancient Turin families, set up the Banca Fondiaria Italiana.

The Institute managed to overcome the difficult years of the Great War thanks to a clear and well-defined vision since its foundation: creation of reserves rather than earnings, to protect account holders and “guard against the surprises of fate”.

After a long phase of development and relaunch, in 1930 Camillo Venesio became CEO of the Banca Anonima di Credito, thanks to the support of the top management who saw him as a far-sighted person capable of reviving the fortunes of the Company.

Under the leadership of the new CEO, the Banca Anonima di Credito returned to grow and prosper. In the following years, Camillo Venesio and his family became its main shareholders.

In 1947 the CEO of the Turin bank also founded a new institute in his homeland: thus the Banca di Casale e del Monferrato was born… Continue reading about  Banca del Piemonte S.p.a. here.


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