Madrid Stock Exchange


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About Madrid Stock Exchange

The Madrid Stock Exchange was created in 1831, so its almost 190 years of history make it one of the oldest financial institutions in Spain.

In 1893, the Queen Regent María Cristina inaugurated the new headquarters in the Palacio de la Bolsa in the Plaza de la Lealtad, in Madrid.

Throughout its long history, the Madrid Stock Exchange has played a decisive role in the development of the country, alternating great periods of industrial and economic peak with others of crisis and depression, but always acting as a faithful barometer of the economic development of Spain.

The Stock Market is a market and as such a series of products are traded and it is a meeting point between the two most important figures in a market economy: companies and savers. Companies obtain financing for their projects by issuing financial assets such as stocks, bonds, obligations, etc., while savers and investors, both institutional and private, seek a return on their investment… Continue reading about Madrid Stock Exchange here.



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