CreditGate24 (Switzerland)


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About CreditGate24

We are an on­line plat­form for the fin­an­cing of private and busi­ness loans. In­stead of a bank, the loans are fin­anced by private and in­sti­tu­tion­al in­vestors. State-of-the-art tech­no­lo­gies al­low us to make the loan pro­cess more ef­fi­cient. This be­ne­fits both bor­row­ers and in­vestors alike. Our bor­row­ers re­ceive low in­terest rates on a loan and our in­vestors de­serve at­tract­ive re­turns.

Our plat­form was launched in March 2015 and is aimed at mak­ing the cred­it pro­cess more ef­fi­cient. The founder, Chair­man of the Board and CEO is Chris­toph M. Mueller. He has over 12 years of ex­per­i­en­ce in bank­ing, com­pli­ance, in­vest­ment and tax­a­tion at Cred­it Suisse and Zürch­er Kan­ton­al­bank. In total, we are more than 30 em­ploy­ees.…Continue reading about CreditGate24 here



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