Banco de Investimento Global, SA


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About Banco de Investimento Global, SA

The Bank is founded by a handful of experienced banking executives and key shareholders on 10 December 1998 with an initial capital base of Euro 25 million.

Among the founding shareholders are the current Chairman/CEO and Vice Chairman/COO of BIG, who began their banking careers in New York more than 30 years ago and rose to senior positions with Manufacturers Hanover Trust/Chemical Banking Corporation, predecessors of the current JP Morgan Chase. They, and many others still connected with BIG, were responsible for launching the first new private bank – Banco Manufacturers Hanover, later known as Banco Chemical – to be established in Portugal following liberalization of the banking laws and opening of the finance sector to private initiative in 1984. The wholesale corporate/institutional bank was responsible for many innovative changes to the banking market during the 1980’s-1990s and was the most successful and most profitable foreign-owned/publicly traded banks in Portugal during the period of 1984-1996… Continue reading about Banco de Investimento Global, SA here.


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