About Blissfield State Bank
The history of Blissfield State Bank begins with the forming of a private bank, the first in Blissfield, on May 5, 1873. This private bank was formed by Arthur D. Gilmore, a recent graduate (1870) of the University of Michigan law school, and David Carpenter, the largest taxpayer in Blissfield Township at that time. The bank was located on the west side of the River Raisin, in a brick building owned by David Carpenter located next to the bridge and known as Gilmore & Co., Bankers – a bold venture during a time of financial panic throughout the country. Gilmore & Co. emphasized farm lending from the beginning, particularly real estate mortgages and secured loans. Agricultural loans were an important part of the lending in 1873 and continue to be an important segment.….. Continue reading about Blissfield State Bank here.
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