About Finansowo
Finansowo.pl is a project introducing the idea of ”social lending” to the Polish market. Simply put, our service allows for granting loans between individuals without the intermediation of banks – offering customers speed, simplicity and convenience.
We believe that this type of project is the future of banking. From the very beginning of their existence, banks have linked people who have money (through deposits and other investment products of this type) with those who need it (by providing loans). Despite the passage of hundreds of years (the first bank in the world was Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena, it was founded in 1472!), This idea has remained unchanged. It is only in recent years, with the development of the Internet and mobile phones, that this status quo may change for the first time. In order to connect people who need money with those who have it, you no longer need a bank – it is enough to use modern technologies, i.e. websites and applications for mobile phones.This situation is analogous to the changes that have taken place in trade – bazaars and shops have partially replaced auction sites and online stores. The lack of “physicality” in both commerce and banking simply has many undeniable advantages… Continue reading about Finansowo here
Website: www.finansowo.pl