National Bank of Belgium


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About National Bank of Belgium

Being a socially responsible organisation is an absolute must for us. As a central bank, we perform public service tasks and serve society. For us, “socially responsible” is no bumper sticker. Social responsibility is one of our key values, part of the DNA of the National Bank of Belgium.

We want to be sustainable. This not only means that we want to be greener, for example in our energy consumption and waste management, but also that we apply a sustainable investment policy to our own portfolios, that we want to reduce the environmental impact of cash and that we include climate-related risks in our financial supervision.

We also want to be inclusive. The bottom line here is that we do not want to exclude anyone from our organisation: when filling vacancies for example, we look solely at candidates’ skills, not at their age, gender or origin. It also means that we want to promote a company culture where everyone feels good and where all employees can develop their talents.…..Continue reading about National Bank of Belgium here.




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