About MagNet Magyar Közösségi Bank Zrt
1995 – Establishment of MagNet Bank’s legal predecessor, HBW Express Takarékszövetkezet (Savings Cooperative).
2000 – Introduction of the NetBank service among the first market operators in Hungary.
2008 – MagNet’s legal predecessor, HBW Express Takarékszövetkezet (Savings Cooperative) is transformed into a bank with the assistance of the Spanish Caja Navarra savings bank. The Spanish community bank represents 30 percent in the ownership structure, while the Hungarian owners continue to represent 70 percent thereof.
2009 – The management decides to establish the first Hungarian Community Bank by further development of the traditional bank model. The most important principles, values are laid down and finally the products are developed… Continue reading about MagNet Magyar Közösségi Bank Zrt here.
Website: https://www.magnetbank.hu/
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