Bank Audi France


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About Bank Audi France

Founded in 1979, Bank Audi France is a public limited company under French law, which manages its balance sheet with complete autonomy and has its own assets and is legally independent from the other entities of the Bank Audi Group. As such, it is directly regulated by the Banque de France and is subject to the same accounting and financial rules as all other French banks. Bank Audi France also meets the most demanding international standards in terms of compliance and governance.

For more than 40 years, Bank Audi France has supported a prosperous clientele, mainly in the Near and Middle East and in Sub-Saharan Africa, in asset and professional operations in France and abroad, to help them build and develop their activities. To date, 2400 individual clients and 660 companies are still witnessing their trust in our services. … Continue reading about Bank Audi France here.


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